Stern Says Vaccine Should Be Mandated


Following a two month summer vacation from his SiriusXM morning show, Howard Stern returned to work Tuesday calling vaccine critics imbeciles and took aim and several radio hosts who died from COVID.

According to The Washington Times, Stern said, “But it’s really funny when these radio — the radio guys are the best. There was like four of them died. Four of them who were like ranting on the air that they would not get vaccinated. They were on fire, these guys, it was like day after day they were all dying. And then their dying words are: ‘I wish I had been more into the vaccine; I wish I had taken it.”

He then went into making the vaccine mandatory. “When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say you now — it’s mandatory to get vaccinated. It’s time to get these people vaccinated whether they want it or not. Tell them they can’t do anything.”


  1. Dr Janci Lindsay, Ph.D.
    Managing Director of Toxicology & Molecular Biology
    Toxicology Support Services LLC.
    Just to be clear scientifically, it is the vaccinated NOT the unvaccinated spreading the mutant variants. This is from inoculating during the pandemic with a poor neutralizing “vaccine”. This is what happened with numerous other leaky non-neutralizing vaccines. The classic example of this is Marek’s disease in chickens. I warned the CDC of this in April of this year. Other scientists warned the CDC as well as similar scientific entities world-wide, months earlier. Yet here we are. Please spare me the propaganda that the unvaccinated are the ones causing this because they are not and there is a clearly defined mechanistic pathway for how the vaccinated are creating the mutants. The solution would be to stop vaccinating with these terrible GTs and start treating everyone at high risk and those not at high risk who are symptomatic with cheap safe and effective HCQ and Ivermectin until the virus is driven out. This would stop the binding, replication and transmission of the virus as well as ameliorate some pathogenic process due to the spike in the vaxxed. Oh and it would cost virtually nothing… and therein lies the problem!

    • What a great example of how even some people who work in media are utterly clueless when it comes to assessing the veracity of a source. Janci Lindsay is a thoroughly discredited nutbag.

  2. Hello!! The vaccines were designed pre delta variant. And no vaccine is 100% effective. That said, prior to delta both mRNA vaccines were able to prevent the spread of Sars-Cov-2. The delta variant is 1000 times more contagious based upon the viral load found in the upper respiratory tract of unvaccinated infected persons! Because the world overall was and still is slow to vaccinate it has given the virus free range to mutate into more effective variants. You need to consider multiple approaches to rein it in, including going back to wearing tight fitting N95 masks when indoors. Forget most DIY cloth masks. Israel went back to normal social behavior too soon, which would have been okay if it weren’t for the delta variant.

  3. I am not aware of any nation that “mandates” that you get this (or any) vaccine. And this business of leftists dancing on the graves of unvaxxed people implying that “they deserve it” is plain immoral. It is EXACTLY the same as celebrating every death from a drug OD with a comment of “good, they asked for it”. Nonsense.

    And, @Realist: if you want to get the most bang for your buck as to where to find and isolate the highest numbers of unvaccinated “stupid, lazy” people (your words), look no further than your nearest African-American community as they have (by far) the lowest vaccination rate by demographic. Yes, there are “scary” MAGA people who are anti-vax. And there are even more MAGA people who ARE vaxxed. Myself included.

    • Wow, AngryFlier. Not only are you ignorantly politicizing the vaccine and medical science, you are showing that you are a full-on racist also. No wonder you have to hide behind a fake name.
      I am Caucasian, and I apologize to all my non-Caucasain brothers and sisters who might come upon your toxic diatribe.
      Please, go back down deep into the sewer that you crawled out of.

    • Angry, but *wrong*. Hardly surprising. The current white adult vax rate is 66%, the Republican rate is 55%, and the African American rate has now surged to 76%. Keep subscribing to the conspiracy theories & listening to those who spread them.
      As for dancing on graves, one of the “Dearly Departed” hosts used to celebrate the deaths of AIDS patients on his show, so spare us the pearl clutching.

  4. Why does Israel have one of the highest infection rates and are also one of the highest vaxed population? Either the shot doesn’t work or the test doesn’t work.
    Our hospitals are full of vaxed patients with the infection. 2 months ago the CDC changed hospital reporting protocols which allows hospitals to not report vaxed patients, only the unvaxed patients.
    Time to wake up.

    • “Our hospitals are full of vaxed patients with the infection.”

      Not true. 99% of the patients are unvaccinated who now wish they had gotten the vaccine.

      The Israel strain is different from the US, so the US vaccines are not effective there.

      The hospitals don’t report to the CDC, they report to their state governments.

  5. Actually, If you aren’t wishing for a “stupid” variant to rid us of the pestilence of these stupid, lazy and/or biased tin foil hat wearers, you don’t understand the threat they are to our health, country and democracy.

    May they all be buried in their MAGA-T hats. Godspeed to the promised land rubes!

    In the count they did last November, they identified over 74 million of them, an unsustainable number for any nation to survive.

    The rubes are our Titanic; they will take us all down with them.


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