Gould Takes On More With Salem


Christopher Gould, Senior VP of National Program Development/Ministry Relations, will be relocating to Colorado Springs where he’ll continue in his existing role, and add GM duties at KBIQ-FM, KGFT-FM and KZNT-AM/FM, as well as oversight of the Colorado Springs division of Salem Surround.

David Santrella, President of Broadcast Media for Salem said, “I am confident under Chris’ strong leadership we will see these stations grow in both influence and financial performance and that our service and support of our National Ministry partnerships will continue to thrive.” Chris Gould has been with Salem for nearly two decades, initially running Salem’s cluster of stations in Tampa, before being promoted to VP National Program Development in 2011. In 2018 Gould was promoted to SVP in recognition of his outstanding service to Salem and their ministry partners.

On his relocation Gould said, “I’ve always loved to serve my local community and the local church especially local pastors. This new opportunity allows me to do just that, while continuing to develop new and necessary national voices for our Christian Teaching and Talk platforms. Relocating to Colorado Springs, which is home to some of our longest running national ministry partnerships, makes a lot of sense. It will be a joy and an honor to take on this new challenge.”



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