Here’s What Gordon Smith Said About Joe Biden’s Win


Smith worked with President-elect Joe Biden during his two terms as a Republican Senator from Oregon. He said he knows Biden and knows his patriotic love for his country and of his good heart for all his countrymen. Here’s more from the NAB CEO…

“Working together on the Foreign Relations Committee, we routinely bridged the partisan divide to achieve important legislative accomplishments.

“And, during a time of personal tragedy for my family, when we lost our son Garrett, Joe was a source of support and solace. Because he too knew the pain of losing a child, he gave to me a steady, brotherly shoulder to lean on. Joe is a healer, the consoler-in-chief our nation has elected.

“With due respect to President Trump’s rights to judicial review of election results, it is time to acknowledge the election of Joe Biden and to allow him the chance to bind our nation back together.”

Smith also provided this video message for NAB members regarding the elections.


  1. A lot of people are jumping to conclusions here, but we should point out that Gordon Smith is a Republican. The fact that he’s saying nice things isn’t political. It’s just proper. It’s what all the other Republicans would do if they were thinking for the good of the country.

  2. I have know way of knowing of course, but me thinks Smith was just fine with letting the process play out without a concession from “President-elect” Gore for the 30 days before a decision was made in 2000.

  3. This recommended concession is premature and politically boneheaded. Political preferences aside, pending before Biden becomes President-elect are myriad and serious election challenges and a December electoral college vote. The media does not make the decision.

    At least, NAB makes no friends with the two FCC Republican commissioners. Did the NAB Board authorize this?? And what in the world were they thinking? Looks like a fawning political move.

  4. Smith, very much so, is part of the “inside the Beltway” crowd. Of course, he supports a fellow insider.

    Tens of millions of Americans, however, do not.


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