10 Effective Slogans To Use During COVID-19 


(By Jamie Aplin) We have just crossed the one month mark since the declaration of this world-wide pandemic. Radio stations and specifically Account Execs have been frantically trying to adapt ever since. Some have lost accounts indefinitely while others have gained unlikely prospects as new advertisers. But one thing remains consistent, all ad sellers have been charged with the task of readjusting their client’s message. And so they should.

There are some campaigns and statements that just won’t resonate with a consumer while they sit in isolation waiting for this virus to ease up. KFC paused their “Finger Lickin’ Good” campaign for obvious reasons. And a tagline like “Fly The Friendly Skies” (United Airlines) would be like dangling a proverbial carrot in front of a world travel enthusiast. Six weeks ago these campaigns would have been highly encouraged, but today they no longer find relevance with an audience.

So as you find yourself searching far and wide for relevant campaigns to air – here are 10 branding statements to assist you and your client’s creative. All of them sensitive to our current landscape while at the same time brand building opportunities for your advertisers.

  1. Everyone Needs A Hero (Plumber, Electrician, Appliance Repair)
  2. More Fresh Ways To Go (Grocery, Food Delivery, Restaurant)
  3. Everyone Could Use Some Help (Financial Service, Lender, Credit Union)
  4. We Are The Home Team (Realtor, HVAC, Home Decor, Painter)
  5. Taking Care Of You (Medical Clinic, Pharmacy, Senior Mobility Products)
  6. We Are Here For You (Any Business That Offers Delivery)
  7. Learn With Us (Online Classes, Education, Tutoring)
  8. We Have You Covered (Roofer, Office Equipment, Financial Lender,)
  9. Because Your Health Matters (Exercise Equipment, Nutritional Products)
  10. For That Special Moment, We Have Just The Thing (Jeweler, Florist, Sweet Shoppe)

Remember. The name of the game is emotion – not promotion. Your main objective right now is to emotionally connect with the audience and let them know you’re here to help. Simply promoting products and services will just be counted as shameless promotion. Now, obviously if your client provides a product or service that proves to be helpful during this time, by all means tell people about it. Just be sensitive in your execution.

Spoiler Alert: Your client will likely fight you on this. But it is crucial to reassure them that this is the best posture to take especially during a time of crisis. Give them your assurance that they will earn the trust of their customers by staying relevant and demonstrating compassion. In the end, they will win! And they will win big.

Jamie Aplin is Founder and CEO of CreativeReady. An online resource dedicated to helping radio sellers succeed. Jamie can be reached at [email protected]


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