MasterCard Chief Talks Marketing


This week on Math & Magic: Stories from the Frontiers of Marketing hosted by Bob Pittman, the Chairman and CEO of iHeartMedia sat down with Raja Rajamannar, MasterCard’s Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Content Officer, and President of Healthcare Business for an insightful conversation.

As a child in Hyderabad, India, Rajamannar figured he’d study hard and grow up to be a chemical engineer. But when a twist of fate led him to marketing, he realized he’d found his calling. Host and guest discuss why Rajamannar took the words MasterCard off of the company’s logo, how he’s reimagining the company’s famous ad campaign, and the new ways he’s thinking about sonic branding. Plus, hear how meditation and a love of dogs keeps Raja grounded as he pushes the company to new branding heights.

Listen to the podcast HERE.


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