Sports Host Getting Blasted For Tweet


The sports world was in shock over the weekend as 29-year old Andrew Luck, the star quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, announced he was retiring due to nagging injuries. Fox Sports Radio host Doug Gottlieb went on twitter to mock Luck about his decision and that isn’t winning him any new friends.

Here’s Gottlieb’s tweet, “Retiring cause rehabbing is “too hard” is the most millennial thing ever #AndrewLuck”

Former NFL quarterback Troy Aikman responded: “That’s total bull— Doug,” Aikman wrote. “What qualifies you to decide how someone should live their life? So you’re now the authority on what motivates Andrew Luck? And if his decisions don’t fit into what you think is best for him then you rip him? Guess that keeps you employed on FS1. Nice.”

ESPN’s Mike Golic also jumped in: “Doug come on, I hope you are kidding, and not just looking for attention, that’s just a ridiculous take.”

And finally this from Clark Smith on Twitter: “Doug stole credit cards, got recruited because of daddie, coaches covered it up for him to save face & he plagiarized. He’s the Millennial prototype.”


  1. This is so obvious. Another radio/sports announcer in desperate need of attention, trying to become more known, so in lieu of not having any talent he decides to say something outrageous/stupid just to get noticed. So transparent. This technique worked for Howard Stern’s career, so after that numerous wanna-bees like this guy try that approach, but it doesn’t work any more. People see through it now.

    • Here’s Doug’s new online picture: Oh, Sorry! I couldn’t get licensing that would allow an image of a Troll under a bridge. Apparently, the actual Trolls did not want the “Doug Gottlieb” association.


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