Cox Media Group Jacksonville has promoted Cody Black to Director of Branding and Programming for both Alternative WXXJ/X102-9 and Classic Hits WJGL/96.9 The Eagle. Black started at CMG Jacksonville as a part-timer in 2010. He was promoted to full-time in the Promotions department in 2012 and has been working in Programming with X102.9 since July 2015. He adds programming responsibilities for 96.9 The Eagle that were previously held by Aaron Schachter who is now the Director of Digital Content for both CMG Orlando and Jacksonville.
“Cody is a great testament to what hard work, patience and leadership training can do for your career,” said CMG Jacksonville Operations Manager Todd Shannon. “He started with us in 2010 and has learned many facets of our business in a very short amount of time. I am very excited to see Cody continue to make X102.9 one of the most respected Alternative stations in the country and add to the current success of 96.9 The Eagle.”
“The last year at X102.9 has been an absolute blast, and now I have the opportunity to oversee the legendary 96.9 The Eagle. This is the dream!” said Black. “Thank you to everyone at Cox Media Group for making it easy to succeed in the best media company on earth. A very special thank you to Bill Hendrich, Susan Larkin, Steve Smith, Todd Shannon, and Keith Hastings. You are the best in the business and it’s truly an honor to work under your leadership!”