Small-Market Broadcasters Prefer Trump


Our friends over at the Small Market Radio Newsletter conducted an online survey of small-market broadcasters to see who they planned to vote for and which candidate they believed would be better for radio.

In terms of voting, Donald Trump won out over Hillary Clinton, 62%-18%, and the “Third Party Candidate” option did as well as Ms. Clinton.

chart one

Nearly 60% of the respondents felt that the radio industry would be in better hands in a Trump administration. Just over 11% felt that way about a Clinton administration. A third of the respondents didn’t think it would make much difference at all.

chart two

Read some of the comments from the broadcasters at the Small Market Radio Newsletter website.


  1. While I cannot argue with the realities of current radio nor the thrust of David’s commentary (below), I am compelled and eager to disagree – to some degree.
    Radio, or rather, a few segments of radio, can be turned around and put on a path of massive audience acceptance and support – along with significant improvements in the influence of locally-produced commercial content.
    At the same time, these spots can be produced in such ways as to be made far more listenable/tolerable – even enjoyable – to audiences.
    More to David’s point: Is this operation likely to commence anytime soon? No, not likely. At least, not by the crippled and crazed organizations mentioned (also below).
    Yet, as Radio Ink continuously demonstrates and showcases, there are individuals-with-large-chops who are already in a position to make wonderful contributions – in all departments – to the resurrection of a long-comatose enterprise.
    Radio is not dead. But, we are sleeping soundly – as the parade to The Big Top marches by. 🙂

  2. It’s much too late to make radio great again…or relevant. You won’t make radio great again with boring, predictable voice-tracking of music stations, and seven-minute stop-sets. I actually timed a stop-set on a rock station here in Seattle earlier this week…eight-minutes. I lost track of the number of ads that played. Oh, but I do remember the client that took the first ad in the stop-set…THE RADIO STATION!

  3. Broadcasters are to be reminded that it was President Reagan who blew the dam (abolished the fairness doctrine) – the one restraining massive corporate interests – all to hell.
    The resultant flood wiped out the small, locally O&O’ed stations and created the combines and monopolies that have, essentially, crippled the industry.
    Even the huge corporations are, themselves, crippled and crazed.
    “Re-reg the de-regs!!”
    Which one, then, to accomplish that – a Republican house or a Democratic one?
    (I’m from out-of- town/state/country and off-planet, so I wouldn’t know.) 🙂

  4. They believe he’d be better for radio. Really? How? How much has he spent on radio in small markets? Next to nothing if anything at all. He doesn’t care about them. Not once have I heard him say he’s going to make radio great again…..


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