Large Markets Generate 53% Of Radio Revenue


According to the new BIA State of the Industry report, stations in the largest markets account for a disproportionate share of overall industry revenues. Radio stations in the top 50 ranked markets constitute 19.1 percent of commercial radio stations in the U.S. but generated 52.8 percent of all over-the-air advertising revenues in 2015. See the chart below for more details.

Market Size Revenue

Overall, radio Is 5th largest category for advertisers. According to BIA/Kelsey, Radio gets 10.5 percent of all advertising dollars with direct mail dominating at 25.2 percent. TV is second with 14.9 percent and newspapers, which continue to lose share, remains in third with 11.9 percent of all ad revenue.

radio revenue


For more information on the new BIA/Kelsey report, ir to obtain a copy, go to 


  1. Very interesting numbers. Print, including newspapers, magazines and direct mail the big winner with over 37% of all ad dollars, far outdistancing TV, radio and cable. The internet?-not a big factor here, yet to hear about it, you’d think it owned the world. It may have even leveled off and shrunk by now.
    But, that’s all too business-sounding for radio people. Who’s got the most listeners, they wonder.

  2. 53% is so low it’s comical bringing all BIA Numbers into question. Miller Kaplan shows a bigger number. And if Markets 50+ made up 47% of Nielsen Audio’s Revenue, you better believe they would be putting much more effort into the Diaries.


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