Cumulus Files Non-Compete Lawsuit Against Indiana Jock

The Indianapolis Star has the details about the suit Cumulus has filed against Amanda Rollen and Hoosier AM/FM, which operates five radio stations in Marion and four in Kokomo.

Radio Cares Raises $1.4 Million For St. Jude

The ninth annual Radio Cares for St. Jude Kids national radio broadcast event corralled inspirational music stations across the country and had its most successful year, raising more than $1.4 million for the kids of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. This year’s top fundraising stations are WPZE in Atlanta and WPRS in Washington, D.C.

Breaking Down The Radio Silos

(By Dick Kalt) Many people have a natural instinct to keep to themselves. In business nomenclature, it might be referred to as “siloing,” and it results in the containment of information, ideas, and innovation. Within a company, that containment can become a serious risk to growth and success, and sometimes even survival.

Ramsey: Surprise! Distribution is KING!

In episode 39 of Media Unplugged with Mark Ramsey and Tom Asacker, distributing content is the topic of conversation.
Ron Robinson - Radio

Radio’s JT8D

(By Ronald Robinson) In the late ‘70s, my agency pal and I started making bi-weekly flights from Calgary to Edmonton’s ITV studios to record TV spots for Sportchek, a provincial sporting goods retailer with its greatest national growth still ahead of it. My associate, Billy-Bob, was the agency producer. I was the copy editor and on-camera presenter, with Bill (affectionately) tagging me as “the meat.” (“Cue the ‘roast’.”)

(HOT TOPIC) Mason: I Was Wrong About PPM

Recently retired former CBS Radio President Dan Mason (seen here with FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai and Radio Ink Publisher Deborah Parenti) was a keynote speaker at Radio Ink's Hispanic Radio Conference in Fort Lauderdale Wednesday, and he made some news. Mason told the crowd that when the Portable People Meter was introduced back in 2006, he was all for it. Now, with a decade of ratings experience in the rearview, Mason says he was wrong.

Nielsen Responds To Mason’s PPM Comments

When former CBS Radio President Dan Mason speaks, people listen and react. Following our Thursday story from Mason about his thoughts on PPM, many of you took the time to post comments about what Mason said and the ratings technology. We also reached out to Nielsen to get their side of the story. Here's what a Nielsen spokesperson had to say.

Mason Answers Questions About Possible CBS Sale

It was the first time we've heard Mason publicly talk about the possibility of the division he ran for a long time being sold. Mason said he doesn't know anything more than what he's seen reported and that there are probably three options.

Pai: Broadcasters Should Be Able To Sue Pirates

Just days after FCC Chairman Thomas Wheeler told a House Subcommittee new laws were needed to help the government crack down on pirate radio station, Commissioner Ajit Pai echoed those sentiments. And Pai has a suggestion for allowing broadcasters to take enforcement into their own hands.

Commission Approved 400 FM Translators So Far

Pai, a big advocate for revitalizing the AM band, told attendees at the Radio Ink Hispanic Radio Conference Wednesday that of the 500 applications submitted so far, over 400 of them have been approved in the past two months. A far cry from the snails pace of getting AM revitalization out of the starting gate, which took years since Pai proposed it back in 2012.

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