Womanica Joins iHeart


“Womanica” the podcast that tells stories of iconic women in history, has joined the iHeartPodcast Network. The daily podcast is from the Wonder Media Network.

“We’ve been such big fans of Wonder Media Network and the incredible podcasts they’ve produced over the past few years and we’re incredibly excited for this partnership,” said Will Pearson, President of iHeartPodcasts. “Womanica has already built a big and passionate audience and we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce these amazing stories to millions of new listeners across our network.”

“After amassing millions of listeners and many accolades, it’s a thrill to be able to take what was once an indie show with bold reach and even bolder aspirations and turn it into a cornerstone of women-focused programming with iHeartPodcasts,” said Shira Atkins, co-founder and CRO of Wonder Media Network.


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