CPB Honors Bruce Ramer


Bruce Ramer is the longest-serving member of The Corporation for Public Broadcasting Board of Directors. The Los Angeles attorney, specializing in entertainment and media matters, is being honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his outstanding contributions to public media.

“Bruce Ramer is being honored with the CPB Lifetime Achievement award in recognition of his extraordinary leadership and guidance given to CPB over the nearly 14 years of his service,” said Patricia Harrison, CPB president and CEO. “He led CPB’s support for innovation, interconnection, infrastructure, and access to content over many platforms, and was committed to strengthening local, national, and international public media journalism and editorial integrity.”

“This award recognizes Bruce’s leadership, vision, dedication, and extraordinary service to public media, and by extension, our nation,” said Laura Gore Ross, CPB vice chair. “Bruce’s leadership has strengthened CPB and public media when we needed it most. On his watch, CPB was able to distribute $75 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding and $175 million in CARES Act stabilization funding to public media stations, many of which stepped up to provide life-saving news and information and at-home educational services.”


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