Success – or failure – starts and ends at the top. With shrinking budgets, increasing competition, and constant pressure to perform in sales and programming, the burden placed on radio’s General Managers is only increasing. How do the best find balance?
If it’s true that your product is only as good as your team, Radio Ink asked our Radio Wayne Award finalists for Market/General Manager of the Year (Markets 1-20) how they deal with the challenges of leading teams with so many distinct and different skill sets for our upcoming September issue.
Here’s what they told us:
“The most satisfying part is guiding and coaching team members to do things that they never thought that they could do. I love looking back to see how our teams have taken challenges head-on and made a significant impact. I can tell a complete difference when my team knows that I believe in them and that I am willing to coach them through to the next step.”
“I see managing a diverse group as one of the best parts of my job. People in different job functions and from different backgrounds each have a unique approach, and I find it rewarding to collaborate with them differently. It is a great opportunity to be creative on how to motivate different personality types. It also contributes to a more robust team where everyone can feel valued despite different professional roles inside the building. I foster an environment of open communication and transparency and leverage the collective strength that our unique team brings to the table every day. “
“Understanding that every person in your organization comes from different family dynamics and value systems. They all did not have the same family support, education, or work opportunities. As a leader, your patience in understanding this will help you develop all different types of people to excel in their position, but also have opportunity to grow within your organization. With patience, you might develop a person who otherwise would not develop into something great. How people grew up is not necessarily fair, but with your leadership skills, you can level the playing field of opportunity. I love seeing someone join us in an entry-level position and grow into one of our most important people. I have seen this happen with a board operator who now rules his daypart as a talk talent on our all-sports station.”
The 32nd annual Radio Wayne award winners will be crowned at the Radio Masters Sales Summit on September 10 at the Cincinnati Airport Marriott.
See what all our Radio Wayne finalists said, plus read more about another fight – the fight to save AM radio – in the next issue of Radio Ink out Monday, September 9. If you are not a subscriber, what are you waiting for? Order your digital or print subscription today!