NFL Radio Broadcasts Prove Potent To Reach Young Fans


    As kickoff nears, Nielsen analysis reveals that radio still has a massive reach to football fans across America. This coverage not only includes every game from the first kickoff to the Super Bowl but also features pre- and post-game programming.

    Per Nielsen, Westwood One’s NFL broadcasts for the 2023-2024 season attracted a massive audience of 64 million. Throughout the regular season, Westwood One found its pro football coverage reached 53.5 million unique listeners, with postseason broadcasts adding another 10 million unique listeners.

    This extensive reach highlights the platform’s effectiveness as a medium for advertisers, especially when combined with NFL TV campaigns, which can see a reach increase of up to 19% among key demographics.

    Nielsen Portable People Meter data indicates that the NFL on Westwood One continues to predominantly capture an audience that is young, employed, and more affluent – a prime channel for advertisers targeting consumers with higher discretionary spending. Additionally, audio broadcasts are particularly appealing to those on the go, offering the “best available screen” through listeners’ car radios.

    The analysis also points to a higher level of sports engagement among radio listeners compared to TV viewers. For instance, AM/FM listeners are significantly more likely to use the NFL app and engage in sports betting. This engagement extends to a deeper trust in products and brands, with radio listeners being 37% more likely to influence others in their consumer choices.

    Radio also beats TV when it comes to reaching sports bettors. For instance, during Sunday, Monday, and Thursday Night Football, radio audiences have a betting index of 366 compared to 215 for TV audiences, indicating they are 266% more likely to engage in sports betting than the average. This trend continues across weekend games, playoffs and the Super Bowl, with radio listeners consistently showing higher engagement in sports betting than TV viewers.

    Westwood One has released two separate listening reports based on the full findings – one for advertisers and one for affiliates – available on the company’s Audio Active Group blog.


    1. Doubt It is right, but………that does not mean you can’t sell it. Our adjacent market rights fee paled in comparison to what we sold broadcasts for. 5:1 return on investment. Clients buy it for the association they get and audience they get with the fan friendly pre and post game stuff fans can’t get on TV.

    2. Still don’t know one person who gets excited about listening to an NFL game on the radio. Sometimes you have to ask, “are these stories practically reasonable?”….


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