Will This Double RMSS Session Double Your Team’s Revenue?



The term “working lunch” was first coined in 1954 by the Lowell Sun and has been making eyes roll ever since. That’s why the Radio Masters Sales Summit is out to do what was once thought impossible — to make a “working lunch” you’ll actually enjoy.

Stay with us.

It’s all a part of “How to Make Money Tomorrow from the Home Improvement and Financial Services Categories.”

Part one starts with NuVoodoo Media Services Founder and CEO Carolyn Gilbert presenting brand new consumer research fielded exclusively for this conference by NuVoodoo. This is info on two of the most profitable verticals that your competition would love for you to miss.

Consumers nationwide were asked to give us feedback on their Home Improvement and Financial Services purchases, and Carolyn will share the insights:

  • How do consumers do their own research before making purchase decisions in these categories?
  • How do they choose a business to do business with?
  • What media platforms do they use and how do they use them?
  • How does radio fit in the mix?

And more! The data will provide you with a treasure trove of information on these two hot business categories that you can make money with when you return home — and you’ll immediately put your newfound knowledge to work.

Then begins your “working lunch.” MD Media Sales Founder Michael Doyle will help your table team discuss how you will put these research insights into action:

  • How can you use consumer research to generate revenue for your business?
  • How can the research help you identify prospects?
  • What other kinds of research mesh with this data to create a compelling story?
  • How can you effectively use AI to create VBRs to secure an appointment with Home Improvement or Financial Services prospects?

Let your creativity flow as you brainstorm how to make money with this new research.

After lunch, the group reconvenes for Part II. Michael will facilitate a group discussion where each table can share their ideas with the larger group. Get ready to take notes as Michael prods and probes to help you find new ways to turn data into dollars.

You will leave this session with specific steps you can take to turn consumer research into customer opportunities and sales revenue, while becoming an even greater resource for your clients.

We guarantee you’ve never had any lunch like this at a conference ever before. You won’t even be stifling a yawn as your food settles — but you will be fighting the urge to step out to the lobby to start calling on new prospects to use what you’ve learned right away.

We know you’ll want your whole team to be at the table with you, so we are offering a special, very limited team discount. It’s a four pack for only $997 — a savings of $150 per person off the early bird rate! These special spots will go extremely quickly, so act NOW and let our “working lunch” work for you and your team!


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