Generatively Speaking: How Radio’s Most Powerful Tackle AI


Artificial intelligence is a topic few in radio are truly comfortable discussing. While having some undeniably good uses for stations, generative AI is largely perceived as an existential threat by air talent and even some sales staff.

So what are the industry’s elite doing to ensure a better future for all through AI?

On July 15, Radio Ink honors and ranks the Top 40 Most Powerful People in Radio. We asked them: how is AI impacting your radio stations? What challenges and/or opportunities have arisen that have surprised you about it? 

“When it comes to Spanish-language content, generative AI is still in its developmental stages. Our radio brands and talent have thrived due to the credibility and authenticity they bring, fostering trust with both our audience and advertisers—something AI has yet to achieve. Nonetheless, our company is exploring various applications of AI. We recently hired several data scientists to help us leverage AI and our data warehouse for automating manual processes such as data entry, data gathering, translation, IT, and marketing. This enhances our responsiveness to clients and allows our employees to focus on more critical areas.”

“We believe that AI is additive to our innovative content creation and we’re very excited about its potential. Like virtually everyone else, we are continuing to evaluate its usefulness in various ways, but we know a couple of things for sure: it will not replace live talent, as some have feared, it will improve the content and enhance the listener experience, and it will create opportunities to operate our business more efficiently in all areas of operation.”

“There’s a lot of fear around AI in general, but if we don’t try to use it, we’ll never know the potential benefits. I’ve asked everyone in our division to find a use for AI, and we’ve discovered some positive ways to utilize it as a tool for initiating writing projects, organization and research. Our expectations have been in line with what AI can accomplish – it’s a job-enhancement tool, not a replacement – so our team hasn’t been surprised by its limitations.”

This issue is a true “can’t miss,” as we’re also unveiling a bold new look for our magazine, transforming your reading experience and aligning with the dynamic, modern frontier of radio broadcasting. This special edition will not only highlight the titans of radio but will do so through the lens of our sleek, modernized design – a “Million Dollar Magazine” packed with ideas that could help generate millions in revenue for your stations.

The new era of Radio Ink begins Monday, July 15. Order your digital or print subscription today!


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