A Totally Free Way To Encourage Your Sellers Now


(By Loyd Ford) Perhaps you’ve heard of our free Quarterly Radio Sales Events available on your smartphone. Sometimes it’s sellers, sometimes sales managers, or someone else engaged in the sales process for radio, but the gathering has a purpose: “To encourage local radio sellers anywhere to increase their revenue this quarter.”

We launched our Q2 Radio Sales Event on April 11th and it is on-demand now on The Encouragers™ The Radio Rally™ podcast (Apple, Audible, Spotify). For Q2, we stretched from Canada to Miami, Florida and I wanted to share a few observations today.
Jon Pole, who is with MBC in Ontario, Canada talked about the four things that are always on their money-making calendar and how each of them makes the sellers’ income and generates more revenue for the company. He also shared ideas.

“Here’s a simple way to target new clients.

1) Copy all the reviews of your target business from Google, Yelp, or whatever.
2) Paste them into Chat GPT – ask it to summarize the Top 5 positive themes and the Top 5 negative themes.
3) Do more of the positives! This is what you should talk about in your marketing. Stop the negatives OR learn how to communicate them to clients and prospects.
4) Communicate the mission with your team.

  • Jon Pole, MBC, Ontario, Canada

Angelina Rosario talked about the power of calendars, planning, and scheduling to help her reps. She told us the purpose of her sales meeting(s) each week and what she does with reps in each of those meetings to help them sell more. She talked about multiple specific A.I. software that have made reps’ lives easier and more productive. Then, she talked about the value of going back to things that work.

We’ve been toying around with our newsletter and database. We get so excited about the new things in sales that we sometimes forget the tried and true that always work. Data is powerful and we own and grow our own data. Clients are willing to pay more because of the amount of people we are able to reach.”

  • Angelina Rosario, Director Of Sales, Cox Media Group, Miami, Florida

At this quarterly event, we talked about strategies and ideas over selling “spots” and what to do when business owners “age out.” We also talked about getting sellers out of a rut and recapturing clients “we’ve lost.”

Want an easy way to use Facebook to bump up your cold calling in a way that will make businesses crave to see you? It’s in the Q2 event.

Believe it or not, that only scratches the surface of what you’ll find in this event.  Where do you get more? The Encouragers™ The Radio Rally™ podcast (Apple, Audible, Spotify). With our podcast, you can listen on-demand whenever you want to and get the most from our steady encouragement.

When you subscribe, you get the 160+ episodes already in our archive PLUS fresh regular episodes each Sunday and our quarterly sales events four times a year. When was the last time you’ve been encouraged too much in the radio business? That’s what we think, too.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). They help local radio with ratings and revenue. Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected]. Read Loyd’s Radio Ink archives here.


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