Lupita Montoto Returns As WBA Board Chair After Year Away


La Movida Radio co-founder Lupita Montoto has again stepped into the role of Board Chair for the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association. Montoto, who previously led the board from June to December 2022, had temporarily left the position due to a family medical situation. Jan Wade served as interim Chair in her absence. Montoto’s reappointment will allow her to complete the remaining six months of her term, which will extend until June 2024.

Montoto moved to Wisconsin from Veracruz, Mexico, to Wisconsin in 1999. Along with her husband Luis, she initiated a weekend Spanish radio show in Poynette, which grew into La Movida (WLMV-AM), the first and only Spanish radio station in southern Wisconsin. Apart from her radio career, Montoto co-founded the bi-weekly Voz Latina Newspaper in 2002.

She served as Vice Chair-Radio from December 2022 to June 2023 and then transitioned to Immediate Past Chair at the WBA Summer Conference in June 2023, succeeding Don Vesely.

This leadership transition does not affect the terms of other officers on the WBA Board, who will continue in their current roles.


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