BBC Taking ‘Killing Victoria’ Over The Language Barrier


BBC Studios’ original podcast Killing Victoria has been licensed by Podster, a Danish startup specializing in adapting local podcasts into new languages to widen audience reach and boost publisher revenue. This is the first time BBC Studios has entered a licensing agreement for podcast translation.

Killing Victoria is a historical seven-episode miniseries focused on the narratives of seven men who attempted to assassinate Queen Victoria during her reign. The podcast delves into the motives of the perpetrators and provides new insights into life in Victorian England.

Originally commissioned and produced by BBC Studios Productions, the series was launched in spring 2023. The new arrangement with Podster will see the podcast made accessible in different markets and languages, with a focus on areas including the Nordics, the Netherlands, Germany, and Spain.

Podster CEO Henriette Høj Gharib said, “To be the first to enter this title arrangement with BBC Studios makes me feel humble and happy. BBC Studios is known for high content quality, and this is a great opportunity for both parties to reach new audiences.”


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