Time Out Explores London With Its Famous Residents In New Podcast


Time Out will soon launch a weekly podcast titled Love Thy Neighbourhood, inviting famous Londoners to reveal their favorite parts of London to Time Out editor Joe Mackertich. This series offers a blend of anecdotes, history, discussions about chips, always ending at a local pub. New episodes will be released every Tuesday, starting August 1.

Every week, Mackertich is guided around a meaningful neighborhood by a guest. The journey includes four specific locations and casual conversations during the transit including guests like Bimini, Chloe Petts, and Joe and Doc Brown. This podcast promises to reveal lesser-known aspects of London.

Mackertich said, “This is probably the greatest podcast that ever happened. You can trust that because, like all Londoners, I am unfailingly, ruinously honest. If you like this city, enjoy ambient traffic noise and can tolerate long debates about the merits of Victoria Park as compared to Hampstead Heath you will enjoy Love Thy Neighbourhood a lot.”


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