Ask These Shows: Preparation Is The Key


(By Buzz Knight) Athletes spend much of their lifetime in preparation for their opponents by being tuned to the elements of success as they practice.

An author prepares a storyline, develops the arch of the story, and hones the work so it conveys exactly what will captivate an audience.

Preparation is the key to success. It is the key to success in any endeavor, in any field.

It is particularly important for performers of any type, radio hosts and podcasters included, to respect the importance of preparation. I’ve been fortunate to observe well prepared radio hosts during my career and each one has a different approach to the process.

Shows like Dave and Chuck The Freak from WRIF in Detroit approach the process differently than Preston and Steve from WMMR in Philadelphia but each show is well prepared, and the results show. These shows respect their audience and know the importance of showing up prepared.

Great shows on Sports Stations like 98.5 The Sports Hub such as Toucher and Rich or Felger and Mazz each have their own thought process on preparation, and they operate like a precision watch because of preparation.

I recently become acquainted with comedy writer Frank Santopadre who was a guest on my Takin A Walk podcast, and we discussed his time co-hosting The Amazing Colossal podcast with Gilbert Gottfried. Regarding preparation for guest interviews Frank said, “I would spend days and days reading the books, watching the movies, finding any podcast interviews I could find, really going in depth so that no stone was unturned.”

Preparation can mean a lot of things, but it always means being ready for what’s next.

The power of preparation is a term that has been used in many different contexts. The idea behind it is that when we prepare for something, we are better prepared and more likely to succeed in whatever we are doing. Preparation can be thought of as making sure you have all the tools you need or knowing what’s coming next, so you don’t get caught off guard.

When we observe well-prepared individuals, we observe a different sense of confidence compared to those who aren’t prepared. The ability to improvise and think on one’s feet is very important but when someone is “winging it” it is obvious to the listener. When a listener has a sense of a lack of preparation from the presenter, they feel taken for granted and less engaged in the content.

There is a lot of power in preparation. It will make your life easier and help you achieve your goals.

Buzz Knight can be reached by e-mail at [email protected]. Read Buzz’ Radio Ink archives here.


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