The NAB has filed comments with The FCC regarding the Commission’s Public Notice triggering the 2022 quadrennial review of broadcast media ownership rules. The NAB calls the latest effort a waste of time.
The reason the NAB calls the review a waste of time and resources is “because the Commission has not fulfilled its statutory obligation to complete the 2018 quadrennial review.”
The NAB says the Commission has not even responded to NAB’s request for a temporarily hold on the 2022 review until the 2018 review has been completed.
The NAB reiterated that the Commission’s broadcast ownership rules have failed to keep pace with changes in the communications and advertising marketplaces. “These long-standing marketplace trends have made the existing analog-era ownership rules not just unnecessary but harmful to local stations’ competitive viability, and the record does not support their retention in their current form, if at all. The FCC cannot retain, consistent with law, local radio and TV ownership rules that pre-date internet ubiquity, the proliferation of digital devices, and widespread adoption of audio and video streaming services, as well as the growth of social media and ‘Big Tech.'”
Read the page NAB filing HERE.