Cumulus Stations Raise over $1 Million for Charity


Cumulus Media’s Dallas-Fort Worth country stations KSCS (96.3 FM, New Country) and KPLX (99.5 FM, The Wolf) raised over $1 million for a local children’s hospital during a two-day radiothon.

The money was raised between Thursday, December 8 and Friday, December 9, with donated funds benefitting Cook Children’s in Fort Worth, a part of the Children’s Miracle Network.

The 9th Annual Country for the Kids radiothon brought in $1,045,469.33 for the charity.

“Even in a year with some economic uncertainty, our North Texas listeners have come through again for this important piece of our community,” Mike Preston, the program director at the two stations, said in a statement. “Our team experienced many emotional moments over the 26-hour broadcast which helped them tell the story of Cook Children’s and compelled our listeners to support at a record level!”

(Courtesy photo)


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