Let’s Turn Sales on Its Ear


(By Loyd Ford) You know what we do in sales. We focus on how to refine our pitch, make it better, get to the close faster. Always working to make what we do better and faster and easier…for our business.

However, this article isn’t about that (so if you were looking for tips on how to get to the close faster, look up our other articles related to this – there’s a ton of ‘em). This article is about turning sales and sales process on its ear.

What’s that you say?

If you are a sales manager or market manager, a big part of your job should be making doing business with your company, your cluster….easier.  You should spend a good amount of time thinking about how you can make the life of your individual sellers…easier.

How do you give certainty to the process of selling and servicing clients that makes it clear that it’s more fun, easier and more productive ‘over here?” In other words, how do you make sure that doing business with you and your team is just more fun in addition to being highly effective for your clients?

Here are some tips on turning things on their ear and they don’t start with focusing on what you do well at all.

  1. Ask yourself what your clients and potential clients hate about what you do?
  2. Ask your sellers what clients complain about.
  3. Bring your team together to talk about the problems with your business process as it relates to clients and potential clients.
  4. Brainstorm how to get rid of the above three (3) elements as completely as you can.
  5. Put the improvements into action.  A great strategy (or idea) without execution is…nothing.

I’ve also always been a fan of making the process of doing business with you fun. If you do this, it is my belief that in edgy situations where clients have to make tough decisions (and you know that happens in an inflationary environment), they won’t cut your advertising. If they are having good experiences with you and your team and you are really focused on relationship development and solving their problems, your business with them will continue and is likely to grow.

None of this replaces giving them advertising that works and controlling the narrative in your relationship and managing expectations. Those are the basics in the big leagues.

Focus on giving your clients ‘best in class experiences’ in addition to advertising results that come from proper frequency, diligent care of their business and caring about their outcomes.

Expectations Are Critical
We talk about expectation in the radio business all the time, but I don’t find that managers are always focused on the experiences people have when they come in contact with their radio team members. Most people just believe they are “doing business.” Experiences matter.

Being In Business Is Tiring
People are tired of the B.S. Give them the unexpected. Focus on helping clients. But give them experiences they enjoy and work hard to eliminate anything in your sales process that your clients hate.

Do this and your success…and revenue will rise.

This may be the most valuable exercise your sales team can do going into 2023.  So please read this again and then forward it to others managing sales teams today.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at the branding consulting practice Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected].



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