Pittman Takes The 10-Year Challenge


Will it even be called “Radio” in 2032? Gordon Borrell and Corey Elliott host iHeart CEO Bob Pittman for this week’s ‘Borrell Local Marketing Trends 10-Year Challenge’ podcast.

Pittman offers his perspective on how radio will remain unique over the next decade, whether its dependence on advertising revenue might need to change, and whether we should be calling it “Radio” at all.

You can listen to the 7th episode of the Summer series looking at how will radio survive the next decade, Here.


  1. More hard hitting questions from “radio”… LOL! Call it what you want…. it’s people interrupting songs to pretend to be comedians and then tell you to visit the website. It’s lame, and exactly why advertisers are moving money away form “radio” (ohh bad word)…. and spending on digital, which is not asking if it should change their name….


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