Saga Dismisses Portland Manager


Bob Adams has been the Market Manager for Saga in Portland for a little over five years. On Monday he was taken to lunch and he never returned. We understand his replacement has been hired and could be announced by Saga any day. Here’s what the company said about the change.

CEO Ed Christian and Vice President Chris Forgy sent a memo to the Portland Radio Group staff that said Adams was out as Monday. “The Portland Radio Group needed to take a more defined growth pattern. Therefore, a change was necessary.”


  1. it seems to me that they should try to re-hire Randi Kirschbaum since in my opinion it was an unjust termination and might be a way to settle an expensive lawsuit.

      • “After being laid off, Kirshbaum posted a message on Facebook asking her supporters – who were angered by the move – not to boycott or protest the stations. In her post, she called the Portland Radio Group’s management and staff “wonderful people” who “had nothing to do with my termination.” “


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