Spotify Has Created A Measurement Device


In a blog post Friday, Spotify let everyone in on the rumor about its in-car device. Turns out Spotify’s “Car Thing” is not something users will be able to buy to listen to their music. It’s more like Nielsen’s Portable People Meter. It’s a measurement device.

Spotify is trying to learn more about people’s listening habits and preferences. Here’s what they want their subscribers to know about what’s going on:
Car Thing was developed to help us learn more about how people listen to music and podcasts. Spotify has no plans to get into the hardware business. The test will be done in the U.S. only, with a small group of invited Spotify Premium users. They might also do similar voice-specific tests in the future, so don’t be surprised if you hear about “Voice Thing” and “Home Thing.” Car Thing will not be available to consumers.


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