Fashion Guru Norma Kamali Brings 6-Week Series To SiriusXM


Fashion designer and lifestyle brand creator Norma Kamali will host a one-hour talk show exclusively on SiriusXM’s Stars channel. With Norma Kamali will feature the designer, along with celebrity guests, thought leaders and influencers, discussing fashion, lifestyle, health, wellness, female entrepreneurs, aging gracefully, and other topics. The six-week lifestyle series will launch on March 8 on SiriusXM’s Stars channel 109.

“Norma Kamali is an iconic leader in fashion and lifestyle, and we are proud to have her voice on SiriusXM,” said Scott Greenstein, President and Chief Content Officer SiriusXM.  “She has created brands that are cutting edge and always relevant with a passion for not only fashion, but for subjects women are talking about with friends and mentors. Norma will get to the heart of topics our SiriusXM Stars audience finds utterly compelling.”

Kamali’s new series kicks off on Thursday, March 8, at Noon ET.



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