Liggins: We Need More Consolidation


That statement always results in mixed reviews from the radio industry. The bigger companies applaud while the smaller companies and independent operators believe consolidation is what’s ruining radio. The Radio One CEO says the reason he believes more consolidation is needed is that the bigger companies are pricing for share and that’s hurting smaller companies like Radio One.

Liggins says another round of consolidation is needed to stabilize the industry. “Balance sheets need to be fixed at the bigger companies. It needs to happen. Capacity needs to be shrunk. Actors need to be healthy.” Liggins also said Radio One would be a willing participant if there was further consolidation.


  1. The major benefactors of consolidation have ruined everything for everybody with the exception of those who are being paid criminal amounts of dough for non-performance, That’s not even an example of a “Free Market” system. It is something that throws dirt in the face of those who still figure they are supporting “American Values”.
    Which Americans? Which Values?
    Is it possible that the gentleman is operating in a bubble? Is it possible that he just doesn’t know how to make radio a valuable property and an interesting vocation? Perhaps he is a simple but crude example of a “profit at all costs” ideology. And, I mean, At All Costs.

  2. Seriously, these are the people running radio today. And we wonder why the industry is such a huge dumpster fire.

  3. Saying, “WE NEED MORE CONSOLIDATION” is like the alcoholic saying I need another drink…the drug addict saying I need another fix…

    Refresh my my memory, How was “Deregulation” good for the ADVERTISERS? How was “Deregulation” good for the LISTENERS? How was “Deregulation” good for the COMMUNITIES the licensee is suppose to serve? And finally, for the worker-bees of the radio industry, how was “Deregulation” good for the EMPLOYEES?

    The radio industry has been and is a “Government Protected Shared Monopoly.” What the industry needs from WITHIN is more competition, and certianly not less.

  4. Absurd comment. Consolidation has decimated the presence of radio in the communities they serve. We need owners that can put the focus back on their audiences, which includes the development of on-air talent.


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