Madonna Music Banned


Texarkana’s Classic Hits station – HITS 105 is taking all Madonna songs off the air indefinitely after her comments over the weekend at a women’s rally. General Manager Terry Thomas says, “Banning all Madonna songs at HITS 105 is not a matter of politics, it’s a matter of patriotism. It just feels wrong to us to be playing Madonna songs and paying her royalties when the artist has shown un-American sentiments. If all stations playing Madonna took their lead from us, that would send a powerful economic message to Madonna.”

In addition to “F-bombs” in her speech, Madonna talked about how upset the election results had made her, including her now infamous, “Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”


  1. The radio station is unAmerican. Not Madonna. Madonna has brought more money , relevance and jobs into the US economy than all the Texas radio stations combined. So she says outrageous things and uses foul language. Boohoo. is this new? Banning her is just more feather in her cap so go ahead, give her the relevance she craves and make your station even more boring

  2. every one has a right to their opinion but as a radio station do you have the right to censer what your listeners choose to hear because it offends you

  3. I couldn’t agree more with the Radio Stations banning ‘Madonna’ and not playing her music…that’s their right! In my opinion, and by her remarks, she ‘is’ UN-American… and I believe she’s said so repeatedly, especially if she doesn’t get her extreme left, liberal way. Saying she’d like to blow up the white house was, and is, inappropriate. If ‘any Muslim person’ had said such as thing you can bet they’d be highly scrutinized or possibly even in jail. What gives a (any) performer the right to not be punished, or at least examined in the same manner?…likely, wealth and perceived privilege I’m sure! Like so many other wealthy performers who are so unhappy here in the US, and as they’ve said they’d do, “please” just leave! Lastly, and like so many other extraordinarily wealthy performers, why don’t they share ‘just some’ of their extreme wealth with the underprivileged, especially in the (any) inner city, like so many helpful organizations, and faith based citizens try to do!

  4. Un-American sentiments? You mean freedom of speech? Probably something you don’t even give your air talent on your station Mr. Thomas. You sir, are like the Pharisees beating your chests in the public square, and praying false prayers in the public square. Hype…Hype…Hype. At the end of the day, Madonna will still be more popular than you, and can say, Terry Who?


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