A Comeback For Newspapers?


A recent Nielsen Scarborough study found that newspapers reach 69% of the population every month, that’s 169 million adults. They read those newspapers in print form, on a Web site or mobile app.

Surprisingly, 81% of monthly newspaper readers still read the print product. Digital is helping newspapers engage with the younger population. 24% of millennials now read newspapers every month, matching the percentage of millenials that make up the United States population. So does this all result in revenue turning the corner for newspapers?

Not really. All the major players such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Gannett reported declines in ad revenue in 2016. There are predictions that the newspaper industry will lose another 10 percent in ad revenue in 2017 as digital continues to wow marketers and advertisers and sees huge ad revenue gains.


  1. So 19 million millennials “read” a newspaper each month. I have many questions about them and the 169 million folks who read a newspaper each month. How many are reading their local paper? How many are reading digitally? There are more questions but most of all I would like to know Nielsen’s definition of “read.”

  2. Newspapers,books, magazines and other hard-copy media have some mostly unknown and unheralded advantages. Advantages that are experienced by readers.
    Readers gain better comprehension, excellent triggering of imaginative processes and greater retention of the content provided, particularly when compared to electronic media.
    Could that information be encouraging while supplying a set of selling points? Perhaps.
    But, it is hardly likely as the dynamic elements are those of the neuro-synaptic, cortical projection, dominant/subdominant hemispherical distinctions type thingies.
    Who knew then – like yesterday?
    And, who knows now?


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