Creating Your 2017 Plan In The Midst Of Turmoil And Change


(A Message from Deborah Parenti, Publisher of Radio Ink) You’ve probably noticed that the U.S. economy, radio, media, and the world are in tremendous turmoil right now and that the future is uncertain. You’ve seen the headlines, and you recognize the broader implications.

– Industry-wide changes, mergers, acquisitions, debt considerations, and IPO futures
– The slowest — albeit fourth-longest-lasting — economic recovery on record
– One of the most divisive elections in the history of the country, soon to be behind us
– Dissatisfaction with government
– Global turmoil and heightened security concerns
– Demonstrations in the streets of America
– Big data getting bigger and more innovative, calling for greater IT capacity and agility
– The impact of analytic-driven marketing and tech-based business on ad agencies
– Mobility dominates — four out of five consumers now use their phones to shop
– The mainstreaming of podcasting and what that means to programming and revenue growth

As we head into 2017, it’s important that we fully understand the net effect of the elections, the economy, technology, and, most importantly, how all of those impact the radio industry’s ability to perform.

Radio’s most prepared CEOs, CFOs, COOs, station owners, investors, and operators take nothing for granted and never allow themselves to operate in a vacuum. They study the industry, the economy, the state of business in America and around the world, and evaluate the innovations on the horizon in order to make informed decisions.

These professionals attend Radio Ink’s Forecast each year, where they debrief the current year and predict the one coming up, with specifics on what to expect and how to plan. And because of the conference’s “no press” policy, they are able to do it in a more frank, open discussion format.

That policy also means you have to be there to participate and take advantage of the information exchange.

Forecast, set for November 16 at the Harvard Club in New York, is the radio gathering that covers data points leaders need to help ensure better decision-making for their companies in 2017.

Forecast brings you in touch and together with the world’s leading economic and advertising experts, along with the top players in the radio industry, for a deep look at the coming year. Forecast Co-Chairs Dan Mason, Senior Broadcast Relations Advisor for iHeartMedia, and Julie Talbott, President of Premiere Radio Networks, have planned our most comprehensive lineup ever.

Radio Ink Publisher Deborah Parenti with iHeartMedia's Darren Davis
Radio Ink Publisher Deborah Parenti with iHeartMedia’s Darren Davis

I would like to personally invite you to join us at Forecast. I promise you it will be a day well spent — and we’ll cap it off with the industry’s most prestigious networking event, the “Top 40” reception, honoring the 40 Most Powerful People in Radio. It all takes place at the Harvard Club in New York City on November 16.

See the agenda HERE
Register HERE



Deborah Parenti Publisher Radio Ink
[email protected]


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