musicFIRST Applauds PROMOTE Bill

After the PROMOTE Bill was introduced on Wednesday, musicFIRST Executive Director Chris Israel said, "Music creators rightly expect to be fairly compensated for their work, regardless of whether their songs are played on satellite radio services like Sirius XM, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube, or AM/FM radio. Unfortunately, this is not always the case."

ASCAP Has Record Year

The PRO announced Wednesday it delivered record-breaking revenues and distributions in 2016. ASCAP collected $1.059 billion and distributed more than $918 million to members. Distributions were up 5.6%. ASCAP did not say how much revenue was from U.S. radio stations, which would have been a nice little stat to know. Here's what the release did say...

The Power of 3: Effective Messaging That Matters

(By Heidi Raphael) Whether you are giving a speech, unveiling a big company announcement, or addressing a crisis situation, the way you communicate your message matters. Here are some tips that can help you in the process and it all comes down to the "power of 3."

SBS Pays $10K To Make Indecency Complaint Go Away

This issue involves WSKQ in New York and dates back to both 2006 and 2014 license renewal applications for the station. A petition to deny was filed in 2006 and 2014 claiming the station aired indecent programming and violated the broadcast hoax rule.

Debunking The Lie That Millenials Hate Radio

We’ve heard it over and over: Radio is not a home for the young, the college graduates, the millennials. Radio Ink took that as a challenge and set out to find happy millenials at radio stations all over the country. We'll be spotlighting those millennials, asking why they’ve chosen this career and why they love working in radio. The first is Galaxy Communications star Katelyn Pray.

Why Prometheus is Wrong To Challenge New FM Translator Rule

Yesterday we reported The Prometheus Radio Project has asked the FCC for a stay regarding the new FM Translator rule. The Prometheus petition rests upon the foundation that existing radio stations should be given a buffer zone against the possibility of a transmitter site loss. According to Broadcast Attorney John Garziglia this protection has never been accorded to any broadcast station. Garziglia gives us all the details and a clear explanation of what's ahead...
spotify 150

Spotify Locks Up UMG

The two sides had been operating on a month-to-month basis for two years and now there is a long-term deal that will make sure UMG artists stay put on the popular and growing Streaming pure-play.
Roy Williams - Radio

Radio’s Happy 5-Second Future

(By Roy Williams) I’m experimenting with radio in a way that, for me, is new and different. Many of those who understand what I’m doing don’t agree with the fundamental premise of my experiment. But that’s not what worries me. I’m concerned about those who will agree with it and attempt it — and fail — and then blame me. I believe they’ll likely fail because they didn’t do it right.

Why Native Advertising Is Key For Radio’s Future

(Paul Cramer) This “Uber-fication” of society has made it possible to fulfill human desires with ease and convenience. It’s also enabled consumers to be more fickle and to brand-switch near-instantly when they have a poor user experience. The consumer now has an unprecedented amount of control. What does this all mean for ad-supported radio?
Ron Robinson - Radio

Appealing To The Other 2%

(Ronald Robinson) To my own discomfort, I'm inclined to agree with the commentator who said, “In some contexts, we are all crazed primates.” I've also heard it put as “Monkeys with car keys.” Hardly complimentary. Although radio’s management might respond with vitriol, I submit the evidence of radio’s pervasive behaviors suggest they also agree with the premise.

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