NPR Executive Accused of Sexual Harassment


The head of National Public Radio’s news department Michael Oreskes was placed on leave Tuesday after being accused of sexual harassment by two women who claimed he made unwanted advances toward them while he worked at the New York Times nearly 20 years ago. Here’s the statement from NPR: “We take these kinds of allegations very seriously. If a concern is raised, we review the matter promptly and take appropriate steps as warranted to assure a safe, comfortable and productive work environment. As a matter of policy, we do not comment about personnel matters.”

Two women say Oreskes kissed them and stuck his tongue in their mouths after they approached him about working at the New York Times in the 1990s. Oreskes was the paper’s Washington bureau chief during that time.

Read more at The Washington Post


  1. State Media has had its tongue in our mouths since it was founded in 1970, and we are delighted to pay for it. I once met a producer of a three hour prerecorded weekend show at NPR/PRI: he was one of 30 – thirty – producers. Made eighty grand and admitted he really didn’t do anything for a living but surf the internet for a few hours a day.


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