Radio Intimacy Gets Results


(By Jeffrey Hedquist) Looking back over some of my clients’ biggest successes using radio, one thing stands out: many of the campaigns were not loud, particularly funny, or pushy. The one quality many of them shared was intimacy.

There’s something to be said for the quality of having a conversation with that one listener, as if they were the only person who mattered as if they were mere inches from you. 

When a person is that close, you can’t “announce,” you can’t yell, you can’t project your voice. You have to speak quietly. This technique makes you sound more natural, more conversational, more “real.” If there’s anything audiences crave today from radio, it’s reality. 

That’s one of radio’s strengths. The microphone becomes the listener’s ear. Speaking to him/her from a very short distance, separated only by a thin pop filter, allows you to enter into a very different relationship with them. It’s a relationship where they may be more receptive to what you have to say, especially if you’re telling a compelling story (you knew I’d get that in). 

Try delivering a commercial message that you’d typically “announce,” perhaps an exhortation to purchase from an automotive emporium. Instead of yelling every word of that car or truck ad, try making the whole thing intimate, maybe bringing parts of it down to a whisper. There can be something ear-catching about whispering, “The incredible blow-out sale at Crazy Earl’s Truck Warehouse ends this Saturday at noon.” 

Now this doesn’t mean that these intimate spots will have less volume than the rest of the station’s commercials. Play with the EQ and compression, so the level and presence is

up there with the screamers, and you’ve compensated for the proximity effect, so your client’s message has good clarity, and isn’t too muddy. 

Now you’re not selling somebody something, you’re sharing an intimate secret with them that could enhance their life. 

Added benefit: Many times I’ve coached performers to deliver a better read by having them remove their headphones, hold a phone and pretend to talk into it, or whisper, or pause to let the listener respond, reflect, and absorb the message. 

This isn’t the only trick in your production bag, but it’s often overlooked and can be one of the most effective. 

The closer to the mic, the more intimate. Lower the hype; increase the results.

Jeffrey Hedquist, “Advertising’s Storyteller,” has won over 700 awards and brought in millions of dollars for clients. His articles, ebooks, seminars, and coaching have helped stations nationwide prosper. Got a question about radio marketing? Email [email protected]. Read Jeffrey’s Radio Ink archives here.


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