What’s Your Station’s Legacy?


(By John Shomby) By definition, a lasting legacy is all about the actions you take during your life and the way those actions affect how people remember you. Your parents have left you a legacy in some form and you may be doing the same with your family as an individual.

Paralleling to our industry, what do you think is your radio station‘s legacy? Have you ever really thought about it?

Think about the legacy that some of the all-time classic radio stations have left for us. WABC in New York, WLS in Chicago, and KHJ in Los Angeles revolutionized the Top 40 hit radio format with quick-draw personalities. WMMR in Philly, KMET in Los Angeles, and WNEW in New York introduced some of the best music storytellers of all time with the rock format. WSM-AM in Nashville popularized country music across most of the nation with its Grand Ole Opry live broadcasts.

How do you remember the stations you grew up with? How did they capture and keep your interest? I grew up with WFIL in Philadelphia and remember the “cool” factor they had among my peers. They had a select group of personalities who were able to entertain consistently over song intros. (And the reason I got into this business!!)

We are in a much different time than this group, but one thing will always remain the same. What can you do, as a programmer with your staff, to create that legacy for your station in your market and in your listener’s minds? First, you must realize that this is NOT an industry thing, it’s all about the LISTENERS. It has nothing to do with station awards and accolades and everything to do with how you create lasting memorability for your audience.

I’ve written in the past about how a station has a heart, how to find its “why” and various ideas and exercises to get the listeners to spend more time with the station. They are all a part of the process. BUT – You can accomplish all of that but never have that ONE thing that creates a lasting, emotional relationship with the listener that will compel them to pass on to others.

What all the stations mentioned above had in common was an audience that would shout and scream about them. The listeners knew that they were a part of something special and the station continuously made them feel that way. You could mention the station name and they would know right away what the station meant to them. 

With your staff, make a list of what your station needs to be for the listener and what would matter most. You can call them a set of core values if you like. These are the attributes that will NEVER change about the station day in and day out. It’s a list that will lead to building that legacy. A list that you would reference daily. Some suggestions could be integrity, honesty, fun, a strong sense of community, etc. Make your station matter every day in every way to the listener and you are on the road to creating that legacy.

Based in Nashville, TN, John Shomby is the owner and CEO of Country’s Radio Coach. He is focused on coaching and mentoring artists, radio programmers, and on-air talent to help them grow and develop inside the radio station and the industry. Reach John at [email protected] and 757-323-1460. Read John’s Radio Ink archives here.


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