Gomez FCC Vote Will Go To Senate Floor, Despite GOP Unease


The Federal Communications Commission is one step closer to breaking its longstanding deadlock. On Wednesday, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation approved Anna Gomez’s bid to fill the fifth Commissioner seat, along with the re-nominations of current Commissioners Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr.

The entire executive session took less than 15 minutes, including another approval for Fara Damelin to be FCC Inspector General. However, the markup did not come without its moments of debate.

Ranking committee member, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), was outspoken against Gomez, saying he has doubts as to whether she, “possesses the independence and regulatory humility necessary for confirmation” or would stand up to any potential FCC censorship of First Amendment rights.

Sen. Cruz also expressed his disdain for the rushed nature of Gomez’s nomination, saying, “The Biden White House failed to prioritize the FCC, nominated an unconfirmable left-wing extremist – twice! – and then slow-walked nominating her replacement,” referencing withdrawn nominee Gigi Sohn. Several Republicans joined Sen. Cruz in no votes on Gomez and Starks.

Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), a co-sponsor of the AM For Every Vehicle Act with Sen. Cruz,  quietly showed his disapproval of Carr, as one of two no votes.

If Democrats are in a hurry to confirm Gomez, as some say, they have a narrow window to do it in. Congress’ August recess begins July 29 and lasts through Labor Day. Senate Commerce Committee Chair Maria Cantwell believes that vote on the Senate floor could come the break.


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