Rider U Radio Station Honors


Rider University’s student-run radio stations picked-up 2023 Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Media Awards. 107.7 The Bronc WRRC-FM was named the Best College/University Radio Station (under 10,000 students).

Junior film and television major Jake Serrano won the Best Sports Update award for The Overtime, a daily two-minute sports report on 107.7 The Bronc Retro WRRC2. “As a recent transfer student, I think it’s remarkable that in less than two semesters at Rider, I won a national award with 107.7 The Bronc Retro, despite never working at a radio station previously,” said Serrano. “I am grateful to the radio station and Rider for supporting my success.”

“For our students to be recognized as the best radio station on college broadcasting’s biggest stage, in front of their peers and peer institutions, is a remarkable engaged-learning experience,” said John Mozes, GM. “This award is a testament to our students’ hard work, dedication to their craft and passion for the medium. The creativity of our on-air product is obviously now second-to-none.”

Rider University is a private university in Lawrence Township, New Jersey.


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