Radio Sales – Now!


(By Loyd Ford) This won’t take long. Today’s article is all questions. But they’re great questions. Just a few brief thoughts about turning your attention to our critical powers at radio.

How is your creativity?

Do you believe in the power of radio right now?

How good are you at creating FOMO (fear of missing out)?

How good are you at telling a story of success involving your radio brand or brands and placing a local business owner in the story as the hero?

How do you do with using jealousy to draw-in a competitor of a current advertiser?

How good are you at the discipline of consistently prospecting week in and week out?

Are you good at getting referrals? No, really?

How often do you prospect for new local business in your average week?

What percentage of your current selling is consistently focused on bringing in new business?

How comfortable are you about talking with local advertisers about digital solutions?

Your time is dear. Your prospects time is dear. Make the most of it. Focus. Believe. Be Consistent. No matter what happens while you’re selling today, many local business owners know they must bring in more new customers and they must bring their regular customers back more often. That’s just a fact that doesn’t change in 2022.

That’s also exactly what radio does.

Go. Get. Them.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC).  Reach Loyd at 864.448.4169 or



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