Warming Up Cold-Calls!


(By Rick Fink) As we have touched on in past articles, cold-calling on new businesses for many reps and especially new reps can prove to be a difficult and frightening task.

Cold-calling by definition is “the activity of calling or visiting a possible customer to try and sell them something without being asked by the customer to do so”. The selling part includes… setting appointments.

Most research will tell you that cold-calling results in about a 1-3% success rate for getting an initial appointment, and in many cases, it’s abusive to both parties. Warm calls generate a 30-60% success rate.

People prefer to do business with people they know, people they trust.

Knowing full well that people who are familiar with you are more likely to say yes to an appointment, doesn’t it make sense to do everything you can to “warm-up” the cold-calls? The more people who agree to see you, the more people you will be able to make presentations to. The more presentations you make, the more yes’s you’ll get, assuming you’re making quality presentations!

Our business of selling media is no different from our clients attracting new customers. The more they know you, the better your chances of them considering doing business with you.

Do your potential prospects know you? What are you doing to “warm-up” cold-calls?

Here’s the sales pitch…but it’s one that will help make you MONEY!!

ENS Media’s four-part SoundADvice radio e-marketing system is helping stations “warm-up” potential prospects from South and North Dakota to Colorado, and from Minnesota and Indiana to Mississippi and Georgia, and in between.

SoundADvice creates trust and credibility for account executives and your stations with new prospects every week by “warming up” otherwise potential cold-calls.

SoundADvice educates advertisers on how to get a higher return on their advertising investment, minimizing objections.

SoundADvice invites advertisers who are ready to buy to make an appointment with your account executives FIRST.

SoundADvice creates, builds, and maintains long-term professional relationships with both the account reps and the stations.

If you’d like to see what SoundADvice looks and SOUNDS like, click here and we’ll send you a few FREE samples.

P.S. We’ve been warming you up for a while hoping that you’ll reach out to visit about this extraordinary program. Just one new “average” client per year will more than pay for the program.

This program is market-exclusive for stations and also available to individual reps. To learn more, give us a call at (605) 310-2062.

NEVER Stop Learning – Get Better Every Day!


Rick Fink from ENS Media (www.ensmediausa.com) can be reached by phone at 605-310-2062 or e-mail at [email protected]


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