50 Christmases With A COVID Twist


Every year SOS Radio & Hope for Prisoners hosts a program called 50 Christmases for children with incarcerated parents. 50 individual living rooms are set up with sofas & loveseats around a coffee table and fresh cut Christmas trees. The children get to spend an evening with their mom or dad who is incarcerated. Then COVID came to town.

This year, 50 Christmas looked a little different because of COVID restrictions, so the Hope for Prisoners team personally delivered the gifts, decorated trees and Christmas dinner to each child’s home.

SOS Radio listeners donated TONS of bikes and gifts for the children & foster parents.

Each family gathered around a screen for 50 Christmases online and shared Christmas messages with their parents in prison.

Scott Herrold from SOS Radio and Jon Ponder, Founder of Hope for Prisoners, hosted the evening. Matthew West shared stories & songs with the families and Nevada’s Governor, Steve Sisolak joined as well. Chalmer Harper from SOS Radio read the Christmas story from the Bible to the children before they opened their gifts from mom & dad. It was a powerful evening!


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