Today Is The Big Day


Ron Stone’s idea for a national radiothon to raise money for Feeding America begins on most stations at 6AM. 3,400 individual stations plus another 7,000 via syndication and network access will, no doubt, bring in a lot of money. So, what are Stone’s expectations?

“Expectations?  I really don’t want to say. We specifically did not put a goal on the site as we want people to understand that every dollar matters – every dollar will help put a meal on someone’s table and help a child not be hungry.  So we meet our goal by raising as much as we possibly can.”

Stone also said he could not be prouder of radio than he is right now. ” Over 10,000 stations will have some involvement. Not bad for an industry many have given up on.”

Stations will start at 6AM and run until midnight. Then they will continue to promote the site through Sunday and we’ll get a final tally on Monday.

Adams Radio Group CEO Ron Stone

Congratulations to Ron Stone for not only coming up with this great idea but to everyone on the industry who, during not so pleasant time, decided to take part in it.


  1. Please make sure that you tell EVERYBODY about this should you do it again. I run an LPFM (Real Oldies 97.9 The WREN). We are small but we do have listeners and we likely would have participated. Ditto for all non-comm’s. we can help!


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