Broadcasters Help Battle Opioid Problem


According to the NAB, radio and TV stations have donated more than $32 million in airtime for PSA’s focused on opioid abuse awareness and prevention. The PSAs are part of a campaign launched by NAB and the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids.

“The effects of the opioid epidemic are tragic and far-reaching. I applaud local radio and television stations for their efforts to raise awareness and provide critical information on preventing addiction and abuse,” said NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith.

“Broadcasters are a lifeline to communities in times of crisis, and they have played a crucial role in reaching families amidst this public health epidemic,” said Fred Muench, President and CEO of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. “We sincerely appreciate broadcasters’ collaboration in driving awareness of life-saving resources, like our free Helpline at 855-DRUGFREE, and look forward to their continued support in carrying new PSAs we’ll launch this spring.”


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