Broadcast Attorney David Oxenford breaks down exactly who will be paying more, and how much, perfectly in his latest blog. When the CRB set the rates for 2016 through 2020, it included increases based on increases in the Consumer Price Index. There was no increase in 2016, however the CRB has determined there was enough of an increase in the CPI in 2017 to warrant raising the rates in 2018.
Here’s how Oxenford explains who will be paying more and how much: “For anyone streaming in 2018, nonsubscription webcasters will pay a per-performance royalty of $.0018 instead of this year’s $.0017. For subscription streams, the rate will increase to $.0023, an increase from $.0022 per performance rate. These rates apply to all noninteractive webcasters who pay the statutory royalty. Thus, the rate increase will include simulcasts of broadcasters’ over-the-air programming. Noncommercial webcasters who exceed 159,140 aggregate monthly tuning hours (for which they pay $500 per year) will also pay at the $.0018 rate for performances above the tuning hour limit.”
Read Oxenford’s latest blog HERE.