Integr8 Research released its third in a series of posts exploring how changing technology impacts radio listening, music consumption, and radio’s role of introducing listeners to new music. The company interviewed 3,140 15 to 39-year-olds who listen to a local CHR, Rhythmic CHR, Urban, Alternative, or Country station. The research discovered that local FM radio stations remain the leading source for 15 to 39-year-old listeners to learn about new music.
As you can see by this chart, at 49% local radio dwarfs its closest competitor which is YouTube at 16%.

As you might expect, with the rapid growth of technology, especially with the younger generation, the younger the participant in the study, the more likely they are to go to YouTube or an on-demand service.
Turning to the Connected Car, 43% of connected car owners say they hear the latest new music first on FM radio, while 33% hear new music first on an on-demand audio service.