During our panel on the 2016 political election, former CBS Radio VP Harvey Nagler said the mood of the country is polarized and there is no leadership to bring it together. “It’s a sad situation,” he said, adding he’s never seen people so mad at the state of the country. He also had an opinion about the President saying the media was the enemy.
Nagler says when the U.S. President says the media is the enemy, it has huge implications around the world. “It gives dictators cart blanch to stifle the press.” He said it’s terrible for the President to say that. Then, on the flip side, this President loves the media. “The best example is when the health care vote failed, President Trump used his cell phone to call the Washington Post and New York Times to explain to them what happened. Then he calls in a pool of reporters to explain what happened.”
Nagler also said Donald Trump reinvented the way campaigns were launched. He dominated the news and knew how to do it.” It was the most unconventional campaign in history and the media felt obliged to respond to everything he talked about.”
Where there is power and money, there is corruption and lies. Always.
Yes, I believe the Media has issues as well. Foremost among them is it is too responsible to say that we have a Reality Show Con Artist as President and he knows it. It is too responsible to say he lies, is out of his league and is a genuine fraud. He was never running for President but was running for ATTENTION and since the every outlet needs to stand out in this crowded environment, he was covered for all the inane lies (that he doesn’t even believe), specious “policies” and racist and misogynistic comments instead of being ignored as he should have been from the start. The father of the UCLA basketball star knows this (a third string guard for a Division 2 school can beat the best player in the world?!? THAT gets covered?) and he is taking advantage of the media in the same way.
The major main street media has proven to be the enemy of the Truth; and when the people cannot trust the media to give them the truth then the media is indeed the enemy of the people; plain and simple.
Yes, the country is polarized and media plays a large role in the social divide. Mr. Nagler points out the danger of Trump declaring the media the enemy, but isn’t it equally or even more destructive to have news media blatantly support one ideology? Hitler’s power was gained and reinforced through the strength of the media propaganda machine. Mr. Nagler, I suggest installing large mirrors in editorial boardrooms and look inward, rather than wielding stones from the current glass houses.
I fully agree with the polarization of politics within our country. At the risk of being attacked for being prejudicial, has any President been held as unaccountable as within the last 8 years? Were questionable Presidential decisions or “leading from behind attitude” been consistently challenged over this same period of time? Has the media provided both Presidents with the same equal, honest, and fair coverage? How much money did Super Pac’s spend on “half truth advertising” that accelerated polarized political views? Politicians often say what voters want to hear in order to become elected. Has the media held other elected politicians accountable after they’ve become elected? Reporters should “report the news, not make the news”. The November election and electoral votes elected Donald Trump President for a reason. If the media really wants to help reunite our country, then support what the voters said in the November election, back our President and accentuate positives than dwelling on the negatives. Where’s Walter Cronkite when you need him.
AMEN!!! I agree with Michael…and President Trump is not the 1st president to state that the press is misguiding the population (enemy of the people)…I think it was either our 5th or 6th (among others) President that made these same accusations back then! We are to inform not propagate!
amen again this is the first president that makes people work !! he know how to make things happen,, and is trying to make people in this country safe,, just go to europe if you want to see borders and control of outsiders,, the prevailing atttitude of main street media is appaling,, i am a c.b.s. affiliate and the things i hear on hourly newscasts pushes me tword cancellation every day !!