Pai Reverses Last Minute Regs


New FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is undoing some of the last-minute regulations put in place by the Commission before he became chair. He’s not happy with what was done and he’s changing course. Here’s what he had to say about what was done…

“In the waning days of the last Administration, the Federal Communications Commission’s Bureaus and Offices released a series of controversial orders and reports. In some cases, Commissioners were given no advance notice whatsoever of these midnight regulations. In other cases, they were issued over the objection of two of the four Commissioners. And in all cases, their release ran contrary to the wishes expressed by the leadership of our congressional oversight committees. These last-minute actions, which did not enjoy the support of the majority of Commissioners at the time they were taken, should not bind us going forward. Accordingly, they are being revoked.”


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