There’s So Much B.S. in Digital Data Marketplace


Advertising Age reports that chief marketing officers are sick of publishers making far-out claims about how great their ads perform. Those are the words of Nielsen’s Chief Operating Officer Steve Hasker. Hasker was part of a panel about breaking down the barriers to measurement at Advertising Week in New York. The panel also included Facebook’s head of measurement Brad Smallwood. Hasker says marketers are getting pretty angry about all these great R.O.I. claims made by digital companies.

AdAge reports that Tasker said, “There’s so much BS in the marketplace. The single biggest thing that we’re pushing that we ask for from marketers is interrogate the claim, interrogate the data no matter where it’s coming from.”

Smallwood said there’s so much pressure to compete with other digital companies who inflate their numbers. And, he says that leads to other platforms feeling they must use the same measurement technique to compete. “”One of the challenges that we have is that there’s always this temptation. It’s a prisoners’ dilemma basically. If everybody else is measuring one way and pumping up the numbers and we don’t, and they put those numbers side by side, It’s a difficult problem.”

Read the AdAge story HERE


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