580 WIBW Topeka Helps Local Ranches Affected By Kansas Fire


Topeka, KS, station 580 WIBM, along with the Kansas Ag Network and Kansas Farm Bureau, delivered 1,100 pounds of milk replacer to ranches that were affected by the devastating fire in Kansas.

On March 23, 2016 the wildfire started in the northwest part of Oklahoma. It then jumped the border and spread to two counties in Kansas. Firemen couldn’t stop the fire that was being pushed by 40+ mph winds. The fire spread through over 500 sq. miles of grazing land. Many cattle were injured or killed. Since some of the calves’ mothers had died or could not be found due to the smoke, there was an urgent need for milk.

Alpha Media Market Manager Larry Riggins said, “On Saturday, my wife read a Facebook post from a friend who raises cattle in the burned area, saying they had lost many cattle to the fire and those who survived had been separated from their calves, or were unable to nurse due to injuries. They were in desperate need of milk replacement powder to help bottle-feed these calves and give them a chance at survival… Within 20 hours of that first post, Kelly Lenz, our KAN Farm Director had made the necessary arrangements and we were able to deliver the milk replacer to ranchers in those affected counties. These ranchers have been through a lot. Helping those in need is part of our DNA at Alpha Media, and it was the right thing to do.”


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