FCC Names Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Chair


Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has announced the appointments of Jayne Stancavage and Kimberly Baum as Chair and Vice Chair of the FCC’s World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee.

The committee, re-chartered on January 31, aims to provide the FCC with advice, technical support, and recommended proposals for the International Telecommunication Union’s World Radiocommunication Conference, set for 2027.

This treaty-level United Nations forum decides on the allocation of frequency spectrum for broadcasting, satellite, wireless, and aeronautical services every three to four years. The past WRC was held in Dubai in 2023. Gregory Baker from the Office of International Affairs serves as the Designated Federal Officer to the FCC World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee.

Jayne Stancavage, Vice President of Policy and Regulatory Affairs at Intel Corporation, serves on the Board of Directors for the United States Telecommunications Training Institute and the Open RAN Policy Coalition. She is also on the Global mobile Suppliers Association Executive Committee.

Kimberly Baum, Vice President of Spectrum Engineering and Strategy at Eutelsat Group, has held policy and engineering roles at Echostar Corporation, SES Americom, Motorola, and Astrolink. She began her career at the FCC as an electronics engineer in the Office of Engineering and Technology and later in the International Bureau.

Chairwoman Rosenworcel highlighted the significance of the upcoming conference, saying, “The next World Radiocommunication Conference provides an opportunity to promote US leadership in the growing space economy, as well as in next-generation communications services. With so much at stake, we will be relying on this advisory committee to help develop strong proposals for the Conference.”

“Jayne and Kim have both served on several previous iterations of this committee, including in leadership positions at the working group level, and between them, have attended eleven World Radio Conferences. This depth of experience will prove invaluable to the committee as it develops recommendations.”


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